Large red door with painting on it

2024. Judith Aissen and Gilles Polian. Possessor extraction and categorical subject in Tseltalan. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.

2023. Documenting topic and focus. In Key topics in language documentation and description. Peter Jenks and Lev Michael (eds). Language Documentation & Conservation Special Issue No. 26. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. 11-57.

2021. Telma Angelina Can Pixabaj and Judith Aissen. Nominalization and the expression of manner in K’iche’.  International Journal of American Linguistics,87(1):109-146.

2020. Gilles Polian and Judith Aissen. Headless relative clauses in Tseltalan. In Headless Relative Clauses in Mesoamerican Languages, edited by Ivano Caponigro, Harold Torrence, and Roberto Zavala. Oxford University Press.

2017. The Mayan Languages, edited by Judith Aissen, Nora C. England, and Roberto Zavala Maldonado. London: Routledge.

2017. Complement clauses. In The Mayan Languages, edited by Judith Aissen, Nora C. England, and Roberto Zavala Maldonado. London: Routledge. 259-292.

2017. Information structure in Mayan. In The Mayan Languages, edited by Judith Aissen, Nora C. England, and Roberto Zavala Maldonado. London: Routledge. 293-324. Prepublication ms here.

2017. Agent focus and passive in Tsotsil. In Asking the right questions: Essays in honor of Sandra Chung, edited by Jason Ostrove, Ruth Kramer, and Joseph Sabbagh. UC Santa Cruz. 139-157. http://escholarshiporg/uc/item/8255v8sc

2017. Special clitics and the right periphery in Tsotsil. In Looking into words (and beyond), edited by Claire Bowern, Laurence Horn, and Raffaella Zanuttini. Berlin: Language Science Press, pp. 235-261.

2017. Correlates of ergativity in Mayan. In OUP Handbook of Ergativity, edited by Jessica Coon, Diane Massam, and Lisa Travis. New York: Oxford University Press. [Link].

2011. On the syntax of agent focus in K’ichee’. In Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Mayan Linguistics I, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 63, edited by Kirill Shklovsky, Pedro Mateo Pedro, and Jessica Coon. Cambridge: MITWPL, 1-16.

2010. Predicación secundaria en lenguas de Mesoamérica, edited by Judith Aissen and Roberto Zavala. Mexico City: CIESAS.

2009. Depictives and Serialization in Tzotzil. In Hypothesis A/Hypothesis B, Linguistic Explorations in Honor of David M. Perlmutter, edited by Donna Gerdts, John Moore and Maria Polinsky. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1-17.

2003. Differential Coding, Partial Blocking, and Bidirectional OT. In BLS 29, edited by Pawel Nowak and Corey Yoquelet, 1-16.

2003. Differential Object Marking: Iconicity vs. EconomyNatural Language & Linguistic Theory 21,435-483.

2000. YI and BI: Proximate and Obviative in Navajo. In Papers in Honor of Ken Hale, MIT Working Papers on Endangered and Less Familiar Languages #1, edited by Andrew Carnie, Eloise Jelinek, and Mary Willie, 129-150.

2000. Prosodic Conditions on Anaphora and Clitics in Jakaltek. In The Syntax of Verb Initial Languages, edited by Andrew Carnie and Eithne Guilfoyle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 185-200.

1999/2001. Markedness and Subject Choice in Optimality TheoryNatural Language & Linguistic Theory 17, 673-711. Reprinted in Optimality-Theoretic Syntax, edited by Geraldine Legendre, Jame Grimshaw, and Sten Vikner. Cambridge: MIT Press, 61-96.

1999. Agent Focus and Inverse in TzotzilLanguage 75, 451-485.

1999. External Possessor and Logical Subject in Tz’utujil. In External Possession, edited by Immanuel Barshi and Doris Payne. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 451-485.

1997. On the Syntax of ObviationLanguage 73, 705-750.

1996. Pied-Piping, Abstract Agreement, and Functional Projections in TzotzilNatural Language & Linguistic Theory 14, 447-491.

1994. Tzotzil Auxiliaries. Linguistics 32, 657-690.

1992. Topic and Focus in MayanLanguage 68.1, 43-80.

1990. Toward a Theory of Agreement Controllers. In Studies in Relational Grammar 3. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 279-320.

1989. Agreement Controllers and Tzotzil Comitatives. Language 65, 518-536.

1987. Tzotzil Clause Structure. Dordrecht, Netherlands: D Reidel Publishing Co.

1979. The Syntax of Causative Constructions. NY: Garland Publishing.